Stay Safe Working with Horses
Stay Safe With Horses helps educate handlers in ground safety around horses.
Click the picture below to view the interactive module!
Designed for youth and adults who are new to handling horses, the interactive module shows how to safely catch, halter and release a horse in a pen or stall and in the paddock.
This easy-to-use tool can be completed in about 20 minutes and provides safety tips about horse behavior (watch horses’ ears to check their mood), and simple ways to prevent accidents (hook the lead rope over a horse’s neck before haltering).
Help information
You can use your mouse to play this module by clicking on buttons.
Each button also has a keyboard shortcut, shown by the underlined number or letter on the button.
You can toggle sounds with the "s" key, and cancel out of the slide presentation with the Escape key.
You can advance through the module using the space bar, as well.
See the Stay Safe Working With Horses Accessibility Statement.
Stay Safe Working with Horses Credits.
© 2021, 2013, NMSU Board of Regents. Stay Safe Working with Horses is a collaborative project of eXtension HorseQuest and Michigan State University's My Horse University, funded by the North Central Risk Management Education Center
NMSU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. For more information, see the NMSU Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity.

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