Potluck Panic!

Accessibility for educational games is a work in progress across the industry. We continually seek solutions to make our products fully accessible, and we strive to adhere to established standards for accessibility and usability on each new project. Some of our older products may not be accessible in all areas and have not been optimized for current accessibility recommendations. Here, we offer the content and approach of this game, so that learners are better able to find alternative content and ways of learning.

Content of the Application

Potluck Panic! is an online, food safety card game for college students or those with futures in restaurant, catering, or food safety careers. Users investigate where food safety issues arise during the process of preparing and serving food (such as for a potluck party), and what can be done to prevent common food safety mistakes.


Input Devices Icon

Input devices

Requires mouse or trackpad, may be accessible for some special equipment replacing trackpad. It does not include an option to map buttons to the keyboard, which may create difficulty for those who need longer to perform tasks with the mouse. This module requires very little precision, so it may be suitable for users with fine motor issues or eye hand coordination difficulties. The module requires mostly mouse or trackpad clicking and limited dragging.

Audio Icon


Ambient noise is used; however, the game an be completed without sound. Music and sound effects can be turn on and off by clicking icons at the top of the screen.

Color Blindness Icon

Color blindness

No key elements of the game are identified by red or green.

Visual Aspects Icon

Visual Aspects

Font color, size, and type cannot be adjusted. For optimal visual quality, the game should be played in full screen mode.

Cognitive Aspects Icon

Cognitive Aspects

The game does not include a practice mode to allow players to familiarize themselves with the game's controls. However, it is not time-limited, and players may take as long as they need to play each round.

Interface Icon


Potluck is playable in Unity WebGL. Potluck Panic is not supported on mobile devices.

Language Icon


This game is available in English only.

Fine Motor Skills Icon

Fine Motor Skills

Gameplay consists of point-and-click mouse interactions. It does not include an option to map buttons to the keyboard, which may create difficulty for those who need longer to perform tasks with the mouse.

Subtitles Icon


Subtitles are present and easy to read.

© 2016, 2017 NMSU Board of Regents. All right reserved. NMSU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2012-7003-20059. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.