Exergames Unlocked

From 2011-2018, the website ExergamesUnlocked.org offered case studies of successful programs, research summaries for program leaders, specific guidelines on the "how to" of exergaming, and purchasing guidelines and recommendations.

It was part of "Preventing Obesity for At-Risk Audiences Through Exergames," a USDA CSREES integrated research and Extension project. Team members investigated the impact of exergames, developed specific recommendations for their implementation based on research, and shared their findings, including on the site ExergamesUnlocked.org. Research was conducted on the physical impact of exergames by measuring the physical impact of exergames by measuring caloric expenditure, heart rate, oxygen consumption, and carbon dioxide production of gamers playing commercially-available exergames. The team also investigated social and psychosocial impacts of exergames, including self-esteem, increased interest in other physical activities and the role of families. The project was a collaboration among New Mexico State University, California State University - San Bernadino, and Loma Linda University, XRTainment Zone, the Maine Medical Center and West Virginia University.

Exergames have the potential to get families exercising together and to increase activity in schools. This program helped provide specific recommendations so program directors could implement exergames in their programs. The videos below offer brief examples of successful exergames programs, as well as how-to advice for setting up consoles.

School Exergames Programs

This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement No. 2008-55215-18837. New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.